Monday, December 24, 2012

Santa at ABC home

[[posterous-content:pid___0]]I know the kids are getting too old for this but I'm going to make them go until they leave my home. What Santa has a chandelier hanging above him? I loved it!

Santa at ABC home

I know the kids are getting too old for this but I'm gonna make them go until they leave my home! ;)

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Publishing Party

Grace has learned so much about birds in 2nd grade. Each child chose a different bird to learn about. Grace's bird was the Red-tailed Hawk. When we were in Central Park a few days ago, she recognized the hawk flying above us. She said, "listen, it's sounds like try-keeas". Can you hear it? Each child takes a set of binoculars into Central Park once every two weeks to bird watch. The book they made had so much detail from a physical description about each bird to the noise they make. Grace's teacher gave each child a gift, a different stuffed animal bird. There were ostriches, eagles, pegiuns, flamigos and owls. I'm sure I'm forgetting a few. It was a great party. Grace was so happy Nana was in the city to come to the party.

We headed over to the Musuem of Natural HIstory after the party. The origami tree is my favorite tree in all of NYC! It has beautiful origamis of all the animals in the museum.
