Sunday, April 17, 2011

Doxa's Easter Egg hunt

Sure will miss these great people. Love you Doxa! We had a lot of fun today having a pot luck lunch and a little Easter egg hunt. Wish I would of taken more pictures. Here are a few.



Deb and I have been friends for the last 6 years. We meet at Crosspointe church in Orlando and she asked if I would be interested in coming to a bible study she was starting. She was a new church planters wife in St. Cloud. The study was on the role of the wife. I decided to go, I guess God knew I needed it. HaHa! I really have appreciated every conversation we have had. She never had a mentor but knew the importance of having one. She took me under her wing and the things she has shared with me have been so helpful. I appreciated our last conversation on Friday, particularly because she admitted to not having it all figured out. That her kids too have made some big mistakes recently that makes her realize that there isn't just one formula to use and they will turn out perfect. No one is perfect that is why we need Jesus. Amen! So glad to hear it come out of her mouth. I know I have mentioned Deb to you so I thought I'd share a picture of her. Plus, I love this new blogging thing where I can turn this into a book one day. I am so going to do that because I've given up on scrapbooking.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Tea time!

Grace was invited to a tea party this afternoon. It was so precious. Grace had so much fun and so do I! The host (Gina's grandmother) had gloves, hats and bracelets for each child. She served pettifors, and lemonade. It was a perfect afternoon to spend with my sweet girl.